This card can remove from play multiple monsters at once, if they are Summoned simultaneously. Since this card can affect multiple monsters, it does not target.
If the opponent has “Lord of D.” on the field and activates “The Flute of Summoning Dragon” to Special Summon 2 copies of “Blue-Eyes White Dragon”, you can activate this card and both will be removed from play. “Lord of D.” does not protect the Dragons because “Bottomless Trap Hole” does not target. The same situation would occur if only 1 “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” was Special Summoned, “Bottomless Trap Hole” still does not target.
This card can only be activated when the last thing that resolved in the Duel was the opponent Normal/Flip/Special Summoning a monster(s). It cannot be activated at any other time.
If “Cyber Jar” is flipped during a Main Phase, and the opponent Special Summons “Dark Blade”, “Luster Dragon”, “Magical Scientist” and a face-down monster, you can activate “Bottomless Trap Hole” and both “Luster Dragon” and “Dark Blade” will be removed from play. The “Magical Scientist”, face-down monster, and all monsters you Summoned will remain on the field.
If “Cyber Jar” is flipped as a result of being attacked, you cannot activate “Bottomless Trap Hole” because it cannot be activated during the Damage Step.
If the opponent Summons a monster, then you activate “Bottomless Trap Hole”, and the opponent chains “Book of Moon” to flip the Summoned monster face-down, it is not removed from play by the effect of “Bottomless Trap Hole”.
Use the current ATK at time of Summoning to determine if you can activate “Bottomless Trap Hole”. So if the opponent Tribute Summons “Enraged Muka Muka” with 1 card in their hand, you can activate “Bottomless Trap Hole” (since its ATK is 1600).
You cannot activate this card after “Jinzo” is Summoned.
You can activate this card after a monster was Special Summoned by the effect of another card, such as “Monster Reborn”.
If the opponent activates “Monster Reborn” and then chains “Call of the Haunted” (so that 2 monsters are Summoned in the same chain), and then you activate “Bottomless Trap Hole” after that chain resolves only the monster Summoned by chain link 1 (“Monster Reborn”) is removed from play.
If the opponent Normal Summons “Dark Blade”, then you activate “Bottomless Trap Hole”, and the opponent chains “Ultimate Offering” and Tributes “Dark Blade” to Tribute Summon “Summoned Skull”, the chain will resolve like this. “Dark Blade” is sent to the Graveyard and “Summoned Skull” is successfully Summoned, then “Bottomless Trap Hole” resolves and removes “Summoned Skull” from play.
Netrep Rulings:
“Bottomless Trap Hole” is not a targeting effect.
A Flip Effect monster Flip Summoned and destroyed by “Bottomless Trap Hole” will still resolve its Flip Effect.
“Bottomless Trap Hole” may not be activated in the Damage Step.
“Bottomless Trap Hole” can be activated as a response to the monsters Special Summoned by “Cyber Jar.” All monsters on the opponent’s field Special Summoned in face-up Attack Position with 1500 ATK or more will be destroyed and removed from play. “Bottomless Trap Hole” may not be activated in response to the Special Summons placed on the field as a result of “Cyber Jar” being flipped by an attack.
“Bottomless Trap Hole” may be activated in response to your opponent Special Summoning “Lava Golem” to your side of the field.