The effect of “D.D. Survivor” activates during the End Phase if “D.D. Survivor” is currently removed from play. It does NOT activate at the moment he is removed from play. You can chain to this effect.
You can activate “Divine Wrath” against the effect of “D.D. Survivor” when it activates during the End Phase. In this case, “D.D. Survivor” is not actually Special Summoned. “D.D. Survivor” remains removed from play (its effect doesn’t activate again).
If “Skill Drain” is active when “D.D. Survivor” is removed from play, it is still Special Summoned because its effect activates during the End Phase while it is removed from play.
If you have no open Monster Card Zones during your End Phase, and “D.D. Survivor” is currently removed from play, he is not Special Summoned.
If “D.D. Survivor” is removed from play, then placed in the Graveyard with “Miracle Dig”, he is not Special Summoned.
If “D.D. Survivor” is removed from play with “Dimensionhole”, and “D.D. Survivor” is Special Summoned by its effect, the effect of “Dimensionhole” ends (freeing up the “occupied” Monster Card Zone) even though the effect of “Dimensionhole” did not return “D.D. Survivor” to the field.
If “D.D. Survivor” or “D.D. Scout Plane” is removed from play with “Interdimensional Matter Transporter”, you can choose whether it is Special Summoned (with its effect) or returned to the field (with “Interdimensional Matter Transporter”).