If you Tribute 1 “Gearfried the Iron Knight” to activate “Release Restraint”, then chain “Serial Spell”, you can Special Summon 2 “Gearfried the Swordmaster” cards from your Deck.
The Equip Card must be successfully equipped to “Gearfried the Swordmaster” to activate his effect. For example, if “Mystical Space Typhoon” is chained to the activation of an Equip Card, it is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard before resolving, so the effect of “Gearfried the Swordmaster” does not activate.
If your opponent equips “Snatch Steal” to your “Gearfried the Swordmaster”, the effect of “Snatch Steal” resolves first and control changes. Then the effect of “Gearfried the Swordmaster” activates and your opponent gets to select which monster is destroyed.
The effect of “Gearfried the Swordmaster” activates when 1 or more Equip Card(s) are equipped to him. So even if “Collected Power” equips several Equip Cards to him simultaneously, you can only destroy 1 monster with his effect.
The effect of “Gearfried the Swordmaster” is a Trigger Effect that can be chained to, starting a new chain after the current chain resolves. You can chain “Divine Wrath” to the activation of this effect.
The effect of “Gearfried the Swordmaster” can activate even in the Damage Step. For example, if “Brain Jacker” is attacked by “Gearfried the Swordmaster”, and “Waboku” was activated earlier in the turn, “Brain Jacker” will equip to “Gearfried the Swordmaster” and the effect will activate. In this case, the effect of “Gearfried the Swordmaster” will activate after the effect of “Brain Jacker” resolves, and the controller of “Brain Jacker” will select which monster to destroy.
This is a targeting effect that targets 1 monster.
The effect of “Gearfried the Swordmaster” will activate even if a Trap Card is equipped to him (such as “Metalmorph” or “Blast with Chain”).