Sending 1 card to the Graveyard is a cost. This is not “discarding” so it doesn’t trigger “Forced Requisition”, and you can pay the cost even if “Goblin of Greed” is in play.
If a monster equipped with “Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou” attacks and destroys “Amazoness Fighter” or “Amazoness Swordswoman”, their effects are not negated because they happen during damage calculation, before they are determined to have been destroyed.
Netrep Q&As:
Q: Does “Wicked-Breaking Flamberge – Baou” permanently disable monster effects such as “Sinister Serpent?” Or are there some kind of limits as to how long its effect lasts on the monster?
A: It would work just like the effect of “Dark Ruler Ha Des.” Curtis Schultz, 01/14/2004
Q: Does “Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou” negate Flip Effects of destroyed monsters, or just “Sangan”, “Mystic Tomato”, and “Dark Necrofear” type cards?
A: A monster equipped with “Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou” will negate the effect of any monster it destroys. This includes Flip Effect monsters, because Flip Effects are not applied until AFTER damage calculation (at which point a monster has already been determined to either remain on the field or be destroyed from battle). Steve Okegawa, 02/22/2004